Friday, December 08, 2006

New Community

Tonight at New Community, we watched the Bill Hybels/Bono interview from the leadership summit. I had to miss it for class during the summit so I'm glad I got a second chance. Bono said something in the interview that really struck me. He said a wise friend of his once told him that we shouldn't be asking God to bless what we're doing. But rather, we should find what out what God doing and do that, because God's already blessed it. Such a simple thing but it hit me with a remarkable weight. I won't get into the reasons why it's personally applicable to my life right now, but let's just say it helped push a lot of doubt about certain things out of my head. Tonight just seemed like a great night at church, and I'll have more to say about that later. However it's late right now, and I just finished my first attempt ever at making egg nog (sans the bourban) and I'm happy to report, it was a complete sucess. I'm tired, so I'm not even going to check this for typos. goodnight!


Blogger Corey Mann said...

7:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tonight was VERY good. I thought he had a lot of great things to say. I should have been writing that stuff down!

9:43 AM  
Blogger Kara :-) said...

Sounds cool... I'm sad I missed it. But anyway, this week... New Community, I will be there... on stage... Chamber Choir... Woo hoo... and if you aren't there, I might cry.

9:39 PM  

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