Monday, November 27, 2006

R.I.P. Sarah Myers (1998 - 2005)

Today is the one year anniversay or the loss of a very close part of my life. On November 27th, 2005, Sarah Myers was taken from me during the night, never to be seen again. Sarah was my first love. I know that sounds a little creepy if you don't know the story behind me and my drumsets, but it's true. I love all my 'ladies' but Sarah was especially close to me. She was my first drumset. She was a little beat up, but her tone had warmed so much over the almost 8 years she was with me. People would ask me how I tuned my drums, and how I got that warm tone from her towards the end of her life. I would just say, "I have no idea, she just knows how to love me I guess." I never had any problems with her. She and I did a lot together. She was in the chapel band with me, played camps with me, jazz gigs here and there and everywhere, she was in bands like Oakwood, Beneath Spreading Trees, and even Fast Eddie and the Hot Carls. She's deeply missed. Lindsay is with me now, and I have Kelli, Ella, Katie, Jamie, Dorothy, and now Megan and Courtney to keep me company. But I'll never forget my first and greatest.

Sarah Myers (January 10th, 1998 - November 27th, 2005)


Blogger aaron dewinter said...

I can't say I know wyour pain or feel your loss. I have never lost something liike that. I cannot imagine the pain and void that will always be there. At least you have those times to hang on to in your heart. I'm still searching for that special "one." I know she's out there, it is just a matter of time. There are so many that sparkle and shimmer and then those that are warm and soft. Where to look? What to think? I guess you just know when you have that special "one!" I'll now light a candle for your Sarah.

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know the best one is has to be. Its the best name in the WORLD =)

12:46 PM  
Blogger Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

This is such a depressing day. One year since Sarah was taken and my hard drive is no good. I still have no idea how you stayed so calm when she was taken. Maybe you had just calmed down by the time you told me. If I were to ever have my horn taken, I would be a mess. I'll have to admit that I miss hearing your play that set. She did have a great sound....and a pretty sweet name!

6:37 PM  
Blogger Kara :-) said...

She was taken... as in someone stole her? Or she passed on? Either way... my condolences.

11:03 PM  
Blogger Angie said...

i find that very ammusing (sp?)

1:51 AM  

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