Friday, November 10, 2006

God Sighting (It's not about me)

I was driving down main street wednesday night to grab my bass from my apartment and head over to St. Mark. I was pretty pressed for time, so I'll just say I was in a bit of a hurry. As I was driving down the street, I noticed that there was a van parked on the sidewalk outside one of the houses. I saw and elderly man with a walker attempting to get the car door open and get into the van. One thing leads to another and this man looses his grip and falls, holding onto the door handle for dear life. He eventually looses his grip on the door, and is now competely face down on the group. That is the precise moment that my car passed this whole scene. After 10 seconds or so of wrestling over whether or not I should go back to help him, or whatever dumb excuse I was thinking of to not go back, I finally turned around and headed back to help the guy up. By the time I got back to 'the scene' which was about a minute after he fell, three other cars had already stopped to help this man get back up, and people from surrounding houses were coming out to lend a hand as well. I was just amazed at how quickly people saw a need and met it. I don't know why I thought in my head "I should go back because nobody else is going to." I don't know if this story makes you feel the way it made me feel, but it really lifted my spirits to see that people really do care for one another. Ironically enough, the guy who was actually hands on with the man; the guy who obviously got there first was driving a Comcast cable van, which was in the lane next to me on the road. Apparently he knew instantly what the right thing was to do. That lifted my entire day. Just thought I'd share.


Blogger Amy Joy said...

It's also great to know that God chooses many people to help, so it doesn't fall on one person's shoulders...thanks for sharing that

12:57 AM  
Blogger Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

Great story to share. I just have to say that you have continually blown me away lately. We've had plenty of serious conversations over the years but the insight you have shared over the last few months has challenged me in many ways. Thank you.

On another note...I'm way behind on your blog. Lucky for you I'm back up to speed and have shared my two cents along the way. Sorry I'm so slow!

1:02 AM  
Blogger Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

Oh yea I almost forgot. I LOVE the new header. Great work! I can't wait to see more photos.

1:03 AM  

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