Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Interesting conversations...

So today at chapel band rehearsal, we were all talking about our days. Rachel Erdel brought up a conversation she had while 'subbing' for one of the greek professors that day. She read the story where Jesus talks about the pharisees placing themselves in places of authority in the temple without deserving it. She didn't say what passage, but I can only assume Matthew 23:2. Then one student yelled out "ya, like youth pastors with no biblical training." My ears really pricked up at this point. Apparently their class 'digressed' into conversation about whether we should allow people with no biblical training to be teachers and pastors. Well since I work with three youth pastors who technically have no formal biblical training, this was interesting to me. I went out to dinner with her and two of my other friends from the band to talk about it a little bit. Suffice it to say, the two people at the table with the biblical training were against the idea. I bet you're waiting for me to say what I think about it, well I'm not going to. How about you tell me what you think?


Blogger Corey Mann said...

There are pastors who DO know their bible...I wouldn't want them teaching my kid.

Can't wait to see if this stirs up something.

Now off to my bible class...oh wait, I don't have one.

8:42 AM  
Blogger Amy Joy said...

Well, I agree with corey...there's a difference between being heart smart and head smart. I highly doubt that many people who are head smart with all the knowledge about the Bible could relate to kids like you do.
I've met some who know everything about the Bible, but they definitely don't allow that information to travel south about 12 inches...they never let it sink into their heart....therefore, I'd rather take what little knowledge I have of the Bible and be moldable than know everything about the bible and be stubborn.

11:15 AM  
Blogger Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I don't think that formal Bible training is the issue. Pastors and teachers I know that have never had "formal" training have stronger relationships with Christ than anyone else I know. It is through that relationship that they gain the knowledge they need to teach others.

I'm not saying that formal training is bad, after all I have finished a good chunk of seminary classes. There is great value in it but it isn't everything. But then again you have heard this from me how many times?

7:51 PM  
Blogger Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

You are such a dork! Perhaps the reason I left out the "sometimes you get hurt when talk smack about beating Jeff Myers in wrestling and he breaks your arm." part because it has never happened. I can't even remember the last time we wrestled. But please don't go breaking my arm until after December 15th.

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm it seems I remember someone using a few fisherman to grow a church...

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When your heart is aligned with the purposes of God, and your passion is to serve Christ, the more you know - the better. That is one reason why everyone around GCC continues reading / studying / meditating on the Bible.

I have simply found no good reason to restrict leaders from sharing what they know...until the know more. Get it? When you know something, share it. When you get something, give it. Why wait until you have it all before sharing anything? Why wait until you know it all before giving anything? If no one can teach or lead until they know it all (every heard tht phrase, "know-it-all"?) when will anyone every be ready?

I suggest we'd all be better off to share what we know, teach what we've learned, and continue growing so we can offer more and more and more...

How 'bout that?

- Mark Beeson

1:31 PM  

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