Sunday, October 15, 2006

Dating Schmating

Corey posted on his blog twice now about why teens shouldn't date in high school. Let me just say from my experience that he's right on. I didn't date through high school, and granted that was more by circumstance than by choice, but the fact remains. I had my first girlfriend my sophomore year of college which was actually the result of Trace Rorie making a prank call. Well I'm now 23 years old and I still stink at dating.

I only know one couple who actually married after they dated in high school. And I'll just say this, if you're not dating to get married, that's just dumb (thanks ricky bobby). So if you think you and your high school boo are the exception to the rule, and that God has favor on this decison, then I dare you to seek Godly counsel from some of your wisened elders for an ok. If God really is ok with it, I bet those people can confirm it. And when I say wisened elders, I'm not talking about your crazy uncle who only wears one shoe, hunts cats, and eats food in liquid form. I'm talking about spiritual leaders. Go on, I dare ya. What are you scared of? I'll say this, about 95% of the time that I get advice from adults who have been there before, I find out I was wrong, and the decisions that I was making or was about to make were really damaging. Why Dr. Bob smacked some sense into me this very weekend. Give a shot. Not only is it humbling, sometimes they invite you over for food.

Oh ya, and if you date in high school, don't exchange car keys. I have far too many friends with high insurance rates because they gave their significant other their car keys. Guard your heart (Prov. 4:23), and guard your car (1-800-GEICO)


Blogger Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I agree that dating in high school is not a good thing for many, many reasons. I'm glad you mentioned guarding your heart. I would like to suggest taking that challenge even further and guarding the hearts of those around you. The last several months I've been spending so much time thinking about what that looks like. I don't have any great answers but I do think as Christians we don't do that enough. I keep praying God will show me how to do that.

8:31 PM  

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