Monday, October 09, 2006

I hope my future wife likes to do laundry...

In the last week, I've had quite the laundry mis-adventures:

On tuesday, I did a quick load which, among other things, contained my three favorite t-shirts, my four brand new pairs of lucky jeans, and my new bethel basketball Jersey. While most of these items are blue, the bethel Jersey is VERY blue and had also never been washed before. Needless to say, everything came out Blue. Not such a big deal for the jeans, but two of the three t-shirts are now tainted, and I have about twenty pairs of blue socks.

On thursday, I had the service guys from the apartment complex come out to fix my dryer because it was taking about 5 runnings of the dryer to dry anything. That's not great for the electric bill. They came out, and fixed it with the diagnosis of: "Lint blocking air vent" Apparently I had let the lint build up so much on the trap that it actually fell off in clumps and got permantly wedged down in there. Smooth myers.

On Sunday, I go to wash my clothes from the guys getaway, and then right before I take off for lifeline, I throw them in the dryer without checking them out. I got home that night, only to pull a broken G2-07 pen out of the dryer, as well as my $100 pen drive. Might want to check the pockets from now on. At the moment, one of my new pairs of jeans, my brand new express jacket, and my TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES SHIRT are ruined. I made an attempt to stain spot all the black ink marks, and they're in the washer as week speak. Anybody got any tips on how to get black ink out of a brown jacket, blue jeans, and a red t-shirt?

On a brighter note, my pen drive which I mentioned above was actually not ruined. Even after one run through the washer and a cylce in the dryer, I plugged it in and it still worked, and all the files that were on it opened with no flaws. I guess SanDisk doesn't make crap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hair spray....go buy some if you don't have any yet

11:26 AM  
Blogger Kara :-) said...

I'm a big fan of hairspray myself... but here are some other ideas, I know they sound weird but don't laugh. You can try soaking the spot on your clothes in a bowl of a)rubbing alcohol b) nail polish remover or c) milk

For all of the above... soak, rinse, soak again, etc. until the ink stops bleeding into the rubbingalcohol/remover/milk and then rinse with cold water and scrub with soap and water like your life depended on it. Good luck.

7:21 PM  
Blogger Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

Jeff I'm so sad for you. That was my favorite t-shirt of yours. This is a sad day. It ranks up there with the day Sarah died. I'm proud of you for washing your clothes though.

7:42 PM  

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