Monday, October 09, 2006

Goals Recap

Last sunday I blogged about some goals I set for myself this week. Here they are again...

1. In bed by at least 1:00 a.m. every day
2. Spend an hour alone with God before 10:00 at night
3. Eat properly

Here's the recap:

1. 6 out of 7 nights I made it. I failed on thursday night/friday morning and actually ended up staying awake all night talking to a friend of mine about some important issues. Although I'm not sure if I should have actually had the whole conversation. Jury's still out on that one. I'm ammedning this goal. I was glad to get a good night sleep, but I don't want to cut things short with friends just because I have a self imposed bedtime. So I'm gonna call it, in bed by one or whenever I'm done hanging out with the guys at D-house or talking to Trace. If those things go past one, I have a half hour to check my e-mail and what not, then off to bed.

2. Perfect score. I took a page from the book of life according to Corey Mann and decided to spend my hour walking with my 'godPod' as I've come to call it. Sermons, bible audio, audiobooks, and some silent times too. I'll spare you the details, but man that was LIFECHANGING. I guess the impact of those things don't set in until you actually try them. But if you've been listening to Corey talk about it this long, go try it once for yourself. The fact that you're doing something, and you know that it's just you, God, and the road, for the next hour does something to your frame of mind and makes you think..."Game on, what do you want to say God? I'm not going anywhere for awhile." I'm gonna keep this one going for another week, hopefully longer. I'm excited.

3. Ok I just put that on the list because I thought a list with only two things on it looked lame. But I guess in hindsight I actually ate pretty well. But not intentionally. I'll wait til I either (a.)get fat or (b.) learn enough about proper nutrion to revisit this one.

So I'll be adding a goal for this week. I've had a bit of an issue with the occasional 'satan twister' as the church lady used to put it on SNL. Just to clarify, I curse every once and again. And I'm getting a little tired of 'dancing on the moral guardrail' with this issue, as Big Papa B so eloquently put it this weekend. So no cursing for me this week...hopefully anymore. Luckily Notre Dame has some easy weeks ahead of them so that should help.

Thanks to all of you that were praying for me this week. I could tell


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like your blog.
hairspray (any el cheapo kind) gets ink out, although i don't know if it'll work on things that have been laundered. worth a shot.
i have bad luck with clothes in that every time i get a new article of clothing, it is guaranteed to get stained the first time i wear it. seriously, this is no-fail. every stinking time.

9:56 AM  
Blogger The Linz said...

Is cursing really "walking on the moral guardrail"? I dunno ... I just find that certain words are highly appropriate sometimes. I guess you're right, the jury's still out on that one.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I'm so proud of you. Sorry I wasn't very good about helping you out with the third goal on Thursday. I teach health and you would have thought I would have told you not to eat fast food. We'll work on that one next time.

I think your addition is a good one. Perhaps those of us in your "inner circle of disturbing things" should not lead you astray so much. Sorry again. Seriously I need to work on this friend thing. I'll do better this week. I promise!

7:34 PM  
Blogger Dan Vukmirovich said...

Rock on bro. Keep it up. I think it's great to see you develop as a man of God over this past year. As you set your goals, keep listening to the Spirit. When you partner with Him on an issue He wants you to work on - it's a formula for success. Otherwise, self-help crapola (is this a curse word?) is just a bunch of weights that just try to help boost our image in other people's sights. I know you'll discern well. Keep it up. Coffee next week?

10:12 PM  

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