Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Who's got dat witch?

On the last P.O.D. album "Testify," there was a song at the end called Mark My Words. In the middle of the song, it made a reference to the the White Witch from the "Chronicles of Narnia." There was one repeated line at the end of the song that said "Who's got that witch?" I don't really know if this is what the songs about, but when we were in Mexico, I was told that it was about friends looking out for one another; watching each others backs. Lately, I've been going through a lot of rough things, but I think I've come through it. I've told all of these people thank you, but I would like you all to meet the "Who's got dat witch?" All-Star Team. I give a huge thank you to these people...

-Corey Mann
-Johnny Keim
-The boys of EYPie, especially...
-Jeff DeSelm
-Andrew Schaefer
-Robbie Lightfoot
-Bobby Morton
-Geoff King
-Brian Spenn
-Mark Beeson
-Kevin Coates
-Jen and Patrick Thompson
-Trace Rorie
-Kara Weaver
-And last but not least, my mom. Mom and I had a chat at about 1:30 in the morning last week that really changed the way I've been looking at things. It's probably the best conversation I have ever had with my mother.

These people have all really stood by me in these last few weeks and have helped me. They are amazing people. I know I probably missed some people, and I apologize. I know a lot of you have been praying for me, and I appreciate it.


Blogger Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

I love the body of Christ when it does what it was created to do! I'm so glad that God has blessed you by placing all of those people in your life. He's good like that!

Now that I've read this our conversation makes so much more sense now! We're all good. Sorry about not being around much the last month or so. After I finish this paper tonight things should lighten up soon. Then we can catch up on life.

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff--as for our conversation, I'm very glad that we finally tuned into each other. EVen though I was tired the next morning, the good feeling that I had from our late night chat carried me through the day. Dad and I are there for you at any time. Love, Mom.

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Know that many people out here in the cyberworld were praying for you as well...

3:32 PM  

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