Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Things

I've gotten tagged in this post on facebook by about 50 different people and I'm not the kind of guy to do that who chain letter things.  So if you really want to know 25 random things about me, I will tell you.  But the chain ends here.

1. I have a birth defect in my rib cage where the bones bend outwards.  Kind of the exact opposite of being spoon chested.  
2. My nickname in high school wrestling was Gumbi.  Flexible enough to get out of anything but not strong enough to hold anything down. 
3. I thought I was an artist when I was a kid, so I was super excited when I won the language arts award in first grade thinking it actually had something to do with art.
4. My first grade teacher had a laminated smiley face just for me that I could bring home and show my parents if I behaved all the way through the day.  I think it only came home about seven times.
5. While I love star wars and the lord of the rings, I have absolutely no interest in Harry Potter.  Never read any of the books, never saw any of the movies.
6. Once in college, I slept from 2 a.m. friday night til 6:30 p.m. the following evening.
7. Sometimes I get a little emotional when I hear "The Buckeye Battle Cry" and I didn't even go to school there.  (grandpa did though)
8. I remember wanting to join the marines out of high school and somehow I think my recruiter actually managed to talk me out of it.  I think my mom paid him off.  Ironic thing about it is that if I had enlisted right after graduation, I would've finished boot camp in June and my advanced training in september of 2001.  We went to war that september.
9. My dad is a drummer and he and I have never sat down and played together
10. I never considered myself very coordinated as far as piano goes, but the first time I played in public I was supposed to play two songs.  I played the left hand part of one song and the right hand part of the other for about 10 bars, then vice versa, before finally getting it right.  That takes talent.
11. I shot a duck in flight with a 22 rifle from a canoe in Noatak, Alaska
12. I broke my right arm in 3 places throwing a dodgeball.
13. I broke my right index finger knuckle and had to have three pins put in after my fist glanced off a friends face into a brick wall my freshman year in college.  We were upset about our lack of game on valentine's day.  We made up 45 minutes later.  
14. When I'm at home in Ohio, my favorite place to take a nap is the floor in my bathroom.  (No one bothers you in the bathroom)
15. I got lost in the mall of america when I was 11
16. I've been whitewater rafting on the New River 4 times.
17. I am an eagle scout
18. I have never been to Hawaii and I'm not sure I have a desire to go.
19. I want to take a train from New York to Los Angeles once before I die.  
20. I've met a lot of important people living in south bend like Sinbad, Muhammed Ali, Jay Billas, Bill Rafftery, Charlie Weiss, Brady Quinn, Remo Belli, the parents from that 70's show, Mark Brunell (etc.) but sadly I've never been more nervous then when I met Ellis Hampton at a Cavaliers Audition.  I almost pee'd myself.
21. I've had my car broken into three times since I've moved to South Bend
22. I used to be a pizza delivery boy.
23. I take baths, not showers (unless I'm late)
24. I hate brushing my teeth.
25. Early last fall, I ate three boxes of double stuffed oreo's in one sitting.  


Blogger Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

You may be the weirdest kid I know but your still one of my favorites.

10:44 PM  
Blogger DC Curry said...

Great Post!

I didn't know you make smelly's in people's offices when they're not there...............o wait that wasn't on the list.

(Office Wars continues...)

5:23 PM  

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