Today, I had the movie "Miracle" on in the background while I was working on some new graphics. I usually just leave them on for white noise but something really struck me today while I was watching it. There we a moment where Herb Brooks was working with his team in practice, and he said (in reference to their jerzee's) "The name on the front is a (heck) of a lot more important than the one on that back." I played on just a few teams as a kid who were aware of that, and it all started with the coaching staffs attitude and the right group of kids. Not necessarily the best kids, but the right kids. Sadly, I played on far too many who were just a group of kids and coaches out for themselves. That's all good if it's tennis, but team sports don't do that well with that mind set. Just thinking over all of that made me realize how happy I am to be a part of a team at work that functions for the good of the whole, personal ambition aside. Good leadership with just the right people. I love my job.
How appropriate since the USA won the gold medal game on Feb 23.
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