Thursday, April 30, 2009

Red Sox Red Sox Red Sox

This is my favorite shot from the game last night. It was great

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I am amazed

So last spring/summer we got to talking amongst the GSM staff about where we wanted to see our students in their worship over the next year. We decided that it would be an amazing value if our students attending had the opportunity to be lead by other students. Up to that point, the worship had mostly been led by staff members, interns, and adult volunteers. So with the addition of Seth as our worship leader, we set out on the task of creating a student team. I can't speak for our whole team, as I'm sure D.C. didn't doubt things for a second, but I knew that I had some concerns about what this year would bring. I'm pleased to say that things have gone better than I could have ever imaged, and our team is phenomenal. I was sitting with DC yesterday reviewing the service from last weekend and I was simply in awe of the talent and hearts God has given the students that serve at GSM. I'm so proud of them.

GSM Worship from April 26, 2009. I was just particulary proud of our band that night and figured I'd let the world know.

Monday, April 27, 2009

We Are One Tonight - GSM

GSM Band performing the song "We Are One Tonight" by Switchfoot. 4/26/09

The North American...uh, bird-in-gutter

A few days ago, I noticed that there was a birds nest being built in a gutter outside my house. There's a window in my stair well that looks out at the nest right at eye level so every time I walk past, I peek out to see if the bird is there. Today, he was. So I sprinted downstairs to grab my camera and get a photo hoping that I'd have the opportunity to do one of those cool blog post's that our senior pastor Mark Beeson posts from time to time with his amazing nature photography. So I got the shot, came down stairs, started to type...and then I realized that even though I have my Bird Study merit badge from boy scouts, I have no idea what kind of bird that is. Nor do I know what it does, why it would be tempted to live in my gutter, and how I could apply that to our lives. I guess I could've called my mom since he undergrad degree was in Zoology but I'm guessing she has better things to do. So I'll leave that stuff to the professionals, and present you with..."bird-in-gutter."

I love it

I got to make a lot of noise on the drums, break a ton of glass, throw a ton of baseballs with an awesome student, and worship with an amazing student band this weekend. ABSOLUTELY love what's happening at GCC right now. GSM firing on all cylinders, the weekend is rockin, and most importantly...the perma-cloud has officially left south bend for the summer. Love it!

....oh and the Red Sox swept the Yankee's and I get to see them on Wednesday in Cleveland. Go Sawks

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bethel Softball Senior Day

"Brittney throws SOOOOOOOO fast!!" Michaela Berger

Friday, April 24, 2009

For all you Outkast fans...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

New Series @ G.S.M. is rollin


Monday, April 13, 2009

New Dave Album Coming Soon

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

I've noticed a lot of people pontificating on their blogs today about what Easter means and all that biz. Well I'm no theologian so I'll give you the average joe's Good friday devotional. Ready for it? Here it comes

Jesus died for YOU! Get your act together

....bless you my child

Thursday, April 02, 2009

GSM Worship

GSM Band playing "Your Name High" by Hillsong on 3.29.09

The GSM Band playing "We Shine" by Steve Fee on 3.29.09