A few days ago, I noticed that there was a birds nest being built in a gutter outside my house. There's a window in my stair well that looks out at the nest right at eye level so every time I walk past, I peek out to see if the bird is there. Today, he was. So I sprinted downstairs to grab my camera and get a photo hoping that I'd have the opportunity to do one of those cool blog post's that
our senior pastor Mark Beeson posts from time to time with his amazing nature photography. So I got the shot, came down stairs, started to type...and then I realized that even though I have my Bird Study merit badge from boy scouts, I have no idea what kind of bird that is. Nor do I know what it does, why it would be tempted to live in my gutter, and how I could apply that to our lives. I guess I could've called my mom since he undergrad degree was in Zoology but I'm guessing she has better things to do. So I'll leave that stuff to the professionals, and present you with..."bird-in-gutter."
hahaha, i love it!
That is hilarious.
"Bird-in-Gutter" is it's Indian name. Like "Stands with Fist" or "Ants in Pants."
Awesome photo!
You never cease to make me laugh. Beeson has some competition.
Dude ... it looks like a Red Breasted Robin and it lives in your gutter because you let it.
Before it's nest clogs your gutter and rainwater starts to spill over, down the side of your house and eventually create a problem, in your basement ... i suggest you remove your tenant now that you've snapped your funny photo.
Trust me, you don't want water collecting near the foundation of your house, due to overflow of your gutters.
Just sayin' ... I know things.
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