Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Men are from mars.....but mars is more sensitive than it makes out to be

So I was doing some realizing today, and I began to wonder about something. I've noticed that whenever one of my guy friends get's a girlfriend, his other friends start complaining about how they never see him, how he spends all his time with her, and how they act differently around the girl. But on the female side, whenever a girl I know get's a boyfriend, all I notice is that her friends, for the most part, are just happy for her. They may get a little of the "always a bridesmaid never a bride" syndrome, but for the most part I don't see them complaining. And I could be wrong about that, since I'm not a girl obviously, but what's the deal with that? Why are guys so pissy when one of their friends starts hanging out with their girlfriend? I'm not saying I'm exempt either. Almost all of my close friends have girlfriends right now, and to be honest it's kinda weird knowing that if I really want to hang out with them, I either need to invite their girlfriend, or they're pretty much not coming. I know I've ditched my guy friends on a few occasions to hang out with girfriends I've had, but it doesn't keep me from complaining about it when it comes back at me. It's also interesting how most of the time guys say that their friend acts differently around their girlfriend. Now I can't speak for all men, but I know for a fact that if most of my friends acted the same way around their girlfriends as they did around me, they wouldn't have a girlfriend. Do women get like this when their friends start dating? It doesn't seem like it to me. Just some food for thought.


Blogger Sarah (Koutz) Johnson said...

Are you still sick? What the crap are you doing up that early in the morning/late at night? Now that you have a blog here don't forget about your cool friends that are still using xanga. I put my two cents in there.

Seriously I hope you are feeling better. I'm praying!

1:26 AM  
Blogger The Linz said...

Welcome to the world of blogspot. It's much more grown up and mature than xanga. Or something.

8:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff Its Erin, hope yr well!

--and in re: yr comment, I say no way. Girls can totally get jealous of time spent w/the boyfriend, too. Take me when all 3 of my roommates had boyfriends and I was always a 7th wheel. That shit got old! And while guys may act different around their girlfriends at first, their true habits (manners, attention) will surely come through after a few months--at least that's just my experience!

10:26 PM  

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